Photo Elysée

Photo Elysée, Quartier des Arts
Photo Elysée is one of the biggest museums in Switzerland and the world dedicated entirely to the discipline of photography.

Useful information


Photo Elysée, Quartier des Arts
Place de la Gare 16-17
1003 Lausanne

How to get there


From 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
Plateforme 10 brings together the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts (MCBA), the Musée cantonal de design et d'arts appliqués contemporains (mudac) and the Musée cantonal pour la photographie (Photo Elysée) in the heart of Lausanne.

Special timetables :
24.12.24 : Closed
25.12.24 : Closed
26.12.24 : 10am - 8pm
31.12.24 : Closed
01.01.25 : Closed
02.01.25 : 10am - 6pm

MCBA: closed on Mondays
Photo Elysée and mudac: closed on Tuesdays

Plateforme 10

Just a few short steps from the main train station, PLATEFORME 10 is the arts district in Lausanne. Unique in Switzerland, this neighborhood has arisen on the site of a former railway locomotive repair shed. The site gathers the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts (MCBA), the Cantonal Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts (mudac) and the Cantonal Museum for Photography (Photo Elysée).


Discover the Mosto wine shop that offers local wine, cider and beer that are respectful of nature.

Milan Park

If you were to take a helicopter flight over these nine hectares of green space, located to the south of Lausanne railway station, you might summarily describe it as a vast grassy square (Place de Milan) with a steep mound (Montriond Hill).
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Dominik, the arch-photo fan
The Lausanner recommends
Dominik the arch-photo fan
For me, the most beautiful view of Lausanne in springtime is from the Musée de l’Élysée’s park. With its alley bordered with cherry blossoms and its benches, it’s the perfect place for a lunch break with a view over Lake Geneva.
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Amélie, the enchanted illustrator
The Lausanner recommends
Amélie the enchanted illustrator
The Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts and Photo Elysée are two museums housed in a single building, and I must say that its architecture, with its refined lines, is truly magnificent. I love going there to discover the current exhibitions and have a coffee at Café Lumen, located at the mudac. And do you know what? Even in winter, if the sun is shining, I won’t hesitate to go out on the enclosed outdoors terrace. It’s fab to be able to get warm while enjoying the view.
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Michaël, the urban spirit
The Lausanner recommends
Michaël the urban spirit
A museum dedicated to photography that organises major international exhibitions all year round. Since 2022, Photo Elysée shares with the mudac a cubic concrete building – an admirable architectural work from all points of view. The space housing Photo Elysée is completely modular to create new experiences for each exhibition. Don’t forget to explore Plateforme 10 – the arts district – and take the time to visit the other two museums (MCBA/mudac).

More info

Photo Elysée - Cantonal Museum for Photography, is located in the heart of the Plateforme 10 arts quarter, in a new exhibition space that also houses the mudac.

Exclusively given over to photography, the museum aims to introduce all forms of this artistic discipline to the general public. This unique and internationally renowned museum has several photographic collections, including photographs by Charlie Chaplin, an illustrious resident of the Lake Geneva Region.

The temporary exhibitions of Photo Elysée are shown in Lausanne but also in galleries all over the world.

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