Alp Salt Mines

Route des Mines de Sel 55
Located at the foot of the Vaudois Alps, the Bex salt mines receive many visitors each year seeking a unique Swiss experience, ideal for families.

Useful information


Route des Mines de Sel 55
CP 277
1880 Bex

How to get there

Family: children accompanied by an adult, starting from 2nd child


VISIT (Length : about two hours)
- April, May, September, October : two to four visits per day, from Tuesday to Sunday and on public holidays.
- June-August: four to ten visits per day, from Monday to Sunday.
- Open on Monday when public holiday.
- Open on week-ends in November and December : one to two visits per day.
- Open every day on Christmas time : one to two visits per day.

- Hire audio guides: available in French, German and English
- Book your place - highly recommended
- Pets not allowed

- Sports shoes and warm clothing are advisable : the temperature inside is 18°C throughout the year.
- The miners’ train and some galleries are accessible to visitors with disabilities (please advise in advance)

- Large free parking near the start, also for coaches
- Refreshments and a souvenir shop at the entrance of the Salt Mines
- Picnic area with tables and benches and a covered shelter for 30 people

A bus (Car Postal) connects Bex station to the Salt Mines every Saturday and Sunday.
Departure from Bex train station: 10:01 am and 2:01 pm.
Departures from the Mines: 12:45 and 16:48

More info

The Bex Salt Mines are a vast labyrinth of galleries, shafts, stairs and halls stretching over more than 50 km. A tour of this fascinating underground world allows visitors to discover the most spectacular and characteristic elements of the various salt extraction techniques used in the Alps since 1684. After a film presentation, the miners’ train takes visitors to the heart of the salty mountain.

On the day of Sainte Barbe, the miners' patron saint, which is celebrated on December 5, a TrekkMines invites visitors to explore this labyrinth.

An exceptional journey to the land of white gold, which allows visitors to understand the important role salt has played as a source of income since Antiquity.