Cinema Bellevaux

Route Aloys-Fauquez 4
One of the last art-house and experimental cinemas in Lausanne.

Useful information


Route Aloys-Fauquez 4
1018 Lausanne

How to get there

Sauvabelin Park

On the hills above Lausanne, Sauvabelin Park is a popular destination with families and nature lovers close to the city. With farm and forest animals, walks trips with panoramic views over the city and Lake Geneva, it has many attractions to offer visitors.
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Realsousgare, the king of satire
The Lausanner recommends
Realsousgare the king of satire
I love independent cinema partly because it makes me cooler than other people, but mainly because I’m passionate about it. That’s why I regularly go to the Bellevaux Cinema, which shows films that are lesser known, a bit less commercial, but often unusual and moving.

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Established in 1959, it screens films neglected by the commercial circuits. It regularly shows artistic works which go beyond what is normally associated with the cinema. Contemporary or experimental productions, whether audio or visual, family showings and conferences are the stock in trade of the Cinéma de Bellevaux.

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