Montchoisi Tennis Club

Avenue de l'Elysee 15
The Montchoisi Tennis Club has 7 clay courts, 3 qualified instructors, an excellent restaurant in the clubhouse with a terrace, and a play area for youngsters situated at a short distance from Montchoisi swimming pool and the Olympic Museum.

Useful information


Avenue de l'Elysee 15
1006 Lausanne

How to get there

7 clay tennis courts

Tenant club:
Montchoisi tennis club

Parking nearby

The Olympic Museum

CultureFamilySportEvent venue
A marathon of emotions. Would you like to relive great Olympic moments? Feel the pulse of the champions? Discover the creative flair of the host cities? The world of the Games with its many facets will open up to you for a full and unique experience.


It features three sumptuous Lausanne gardens, situated one after the other along the quays: the Denantou, the Elysée, a little further back, and the Olympic Park, but also the rose garden of Place du Général Guisan, which boasts more than 130 different species of rose. Finally, from the CGN landing stages located at the bottom of the Dapples gardens you can embark for a unique cruise over Lake Geneva.

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In the area