Place de Milan

Place de Milan
The children's playground, near the Botanical Garden at the foot of a surprising "montain" standing above the park, has a large sandpit with an array of novel an instructive toys.

Useful information


Place de Milan
1006 Lausanne

How to get there

Milan Park

If you were to take a helicopter flight over these nine hectares of green space, located to the south of Lausanne railway station, you might summarily describe it as a vast grassy square (Place de Milan) with a steep mound (Montriond Hill).

Plateforme 10

Just a few short steps from the main train station, PLATEFORME 10 is the arts district in Lausanne. Unique in Switzerland, this neighborhood has arisen on the site of a former railway locomotive repair shed. The site gathers the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts (MCBA), the Cantonal Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts (mudac) and the Cantonal Museum for Photography (Photo Elysée).

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In the area