Saugealles refuge

Les Saugealles
Built in the heart of the Jorat countryside and not far away from Lausanne, it holds out the promise of an enjoyable time amidst lush greenery. Standing on the site of Saugealles, the mountain refuge is situated midway between Chalet-des-Enfants and the Abbaye de Montheron.

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It was built in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The building, furniture and heating energy come exclusively from the forests of Lausanne. Its green roof is built up as the seasons pass without bringing in seeds from elsewhere and acts as a retention pond when it rains. Dry toilets allow a great deal of water to be saved and help to reduce humanity's ecological footprint by recycling it and using it locally. Just 300 metres away, green electricity is generated by the agricultural biogas plant run by the Ferme des Saugealles. With a capacity of 50 places inside and 50 places outside, the mountain refuge takes bookings all year round.