© LT/Laurent Kaczor

Balade insolite du quartier sous-gare

Take a walk in the district below the station!

Pour se rendre au départ de la balade: prenez le métro m2 à la gare en direction d' «Ouchy» et sortez à l’arrêt «Ouchy ».
A votre descente du métro, rendez-vous au château d’Ouchy qui possède une tour datant du XIIe siècle.
Built in 1901, the lakeside walk links the old port (1793) and the Haldimand Tower (1823), previously located on an island - an oddity it shared with the Château d’Ouchy (12th century). On foot, as a couple, by bike, in a convertible, with the family, in a coach, on roller blades, alone or with friends - the entire population of Lausanne and countless tourists parade along Ouchy quays. There are no less than three major parks along its one-kilometre length: Elysée; Olympic Park; Denantou

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Quais d
From Ouchy the quays open out into a vast public park with extensive grassed areas and age old trees.

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Denantou Park
Tiered terraces, majestic trees, seductive views across the Savoy Alps: there are so many different elements to the prestigious Elysée Park! It is also home to the Elysée Museum, which is entirely devoted to photography, and offers access to the Olympic Park.

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Elysée Park